Plan your next outdoor birthday party with us!

*Every package includes reserved picnic tables in the entertainment area for your group. 
*Groups will check in inside the store and receive entertainment wristbands, food tickets and/or you-pick bags, depending on what package has been chosen.
*Reservations are appreciated, but not required.
*You may rent The Back Room to have a private indoor party for an additional $100


$10 each. Minimum of 10 guests.
Treat your guests to a fun filled day of entertainment!
Parents/Adults are required to pay. Minimum requirement may include parents. Elderly grandparents are not required to pay. Please note that they will not receive apples to sling, but they are allowed to enjoy our wagon rides.

Sweet 16

$15 each. Minimum of 8 guests.
Same as the Ludacrisp package, but this one includes lunch.

Parents/Adults are required to pay. Minimum requirement may include parents. Elderly grandparents will only be charged $5 for lunch. Please note that they will not receive apples to sling, but they are allowed to enjoy our wagon rides.


$20 each. Minimum of 5 guests. 
All-inclusive package that includes entertainment, lunch and you-pick.

Parents/Adults are required to pay. Minimum requirement may include parents. Elderly grandparents will only be charged $5 for lunch. Please note that they will not receive apples to sling, but they are allowed to enjoy our wagon rides. If they choose to pick apples, they will be charged an additional $5.
Larger you-pick bags may be purchased inside the store.

What's included in the packages?

Entertainment: unlimited wagon rides, playground/games, and corn maze entrance. Each guest will also receive 5 apples to sling. Additional buckets of apples may be purchased for $5 each bucket. These buckets hold on average 12 apples.
Lunch: choice of pizza (GF option available) or hotdog with a can of pop and dessert.
Dessert choices are:
-sliced Honeycrisp apple with caramel or chocolate sauce
-apple bars 
-slice of pie
*Not all dessert options may be available. Please ask the concessions employee what your choices are that day.
*Upgrades are available for an additional fee.
Pulled pork sandwiches: +$2
Beer/Hard Cider for the +21 guest: +$3
*Lunches must be eaten in the front by the concessions stand. Indoor and outdoor seating is available. No food, drink, gum or tobacco products (water bottles are okay) are allowed in the orchard. We will allow the cake/cupcakes at your reserved table. Guests are expected to clean their area prior to leaving.
You-Pick: each guest will receive a small bag to pick their own apples-about 5 apples each to bring home. Not all apple varieties are available at the same time. Please ask ACO employee what your options are that day.
You may purchase larger bags inside the store.

Do's and Don'ts

You may bring in an outside cake or cupcakes for your party, but you may not bring your own lunch. Exceptions will be made for our guests with strict dietary restrictions. Please note that we offer GF options in concessions.